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Do you have a completed program you’d like KSPS PBS to broadcast and/or stream?

KSPS PBS will consider locally completed programs for inclusion in the KSPS PBS broadcast schedule. Producers may submit information and links to programs/previews and supporting via the online form linked below.

Programs offered for consideration should be relevant to our broadcast area or local issues and concerns and must be:

  • Closed captioned, as required by the Federal Communications Commission, unless the program will not be broadcast. For broadcast consideration, producers must provide KSPS PBS with certification that the program satisfies the FCC's caption quality standards and Best Practices.
  • Free of any defamatory, indecent or obscene material.
  • Free from any copyright claim. The producer must warrant to KSPS PBS that they have obtained clear and demonstrable broadcast and streaming clearances for talent, music, visual works and any other copyrighted content.
  • Insured. Producer must provide evidence of an active Media Liability (Errors and Omissions) insurance policy of at least $1,000,000 that coincides with the proposed KSPS PBS license term.

Evaluation criteria include:

  • Alignment with KSPS PBS’ Mission and Business Plan
  • Uniqueness compared with other programs in our schedule
  • Style, production qualities and expertise, editorial craft
  • Fairness, lack of bias, journalistic integrity
  • Exclusivity and cost to KSPS PBS
  • Availability of live streaming, on-demand streaming, and other rights
  • Original video format of the production (broadcast level video preferred)
  • Technical evaluation by KSPS PBS

Program evaluations are at the sole discretion of KSPS PBS staff and management. Other criteria may apply. Program requests are reviewed on a bi-monthly basis. Please allow 6-8 weeks for a response.

The submission of any preview or materials does not guarantee acceptance by KSPS PBS. Accepted programs are subject to the KSPS PBS Broadcast License Agreement. The scheduling, promotion and outreach of any program accepted for broadcast is at KSPS PBS' sole discretion.