With trusted access to so many households and public institutions, public television is an effective means for businesses and organizations to educate current and future generations about opportunities in their industries. More immediately, businesses across our service region are eager to attract qualified employees, and as part of our work to build strong community, KSPS is ready to expand its promotion of the role of business in advancing the health and economic livelihood of its community.
We plan to increase career awareness and enhance job preparation for youth and young adults from middle school through college to grow talent pipelines for community and regional businesses.
CareerExploreNW is a community tool designed to guide people, through job spotlight videos and job/industry data information, toward a job or career as well as help regional employers create a talent pipeline. Under each industry cluster you will find a collection of videos that highlight different types of jobs that are available in the Spokane/N. Idaho region. You will also find other great information around what schooling is needed and average salaries.
2020 NETA Award Winner
In January, the National Educational Telecommunications Associationawarded KSPS PBS won three national Public Media Awards. The PMAs honor public television stations’ achievements in 2020 in education, community engagement, marketing/communication, and content. Career Explore NW won in the Educational Resources for the Community category.